Just read an interesting article by Naomi Dunford of www.ittybiz.com. She explained her ideas on how to get 9,000 twitter followers by the end of the year. Sounds interesting right?
Up to this point, I can't say I've been totally on board with the whole twitter / facebook thing, but it's supposedly valuable to incorporate social media into my business marketing plan (what marketing plan? what business?). I did create a twitter account about a month ago and have been sending out a few tweets here and there. So far I have about 80 followers, but it sure would be nice to have 9,000 people following me! Hopefully it would result in a boost in ColorBee's visibility. Naomi's article describes how it's important to engage with other people on twitter, not just spam them. I find a lot of etsy sellers just tweet their listings and re-tweet other listings. This gets boring real fast. Or they tweet every 2 minutes with another item they're trying to sell. Even worse.
Here's the link to Naomi's article - http://ittybiz.com/how-to-get-twitter-followers/. I'm going to crank up my twitter efforts and try some of her suggestions. I'm also going to look into putting a twitter widget on my blog so you can easily click it to follow me. Haven't quite figured how to do the widget yet. For now you can find me at http://twitter.com/thecolorbee. Won't you follow me?