What does discarded mean? No, I could never throw the prints away. The imperfections are always so teeny tiny it’s a shame to not share them. The best ones are given to charitable organizations or schools. The rest are stored in my file cabinet for safe keeping. Occasionally I’ll make some available at a deep discount in the ‘ColorBee Outlet’ section of my Etsy shop.
Spot the Dot
Many customers who purchased these imperfect prints in the past have remarked that they can’t find anything wrong and don’t see the flaw. But I know it’s there!Where do these random tiny dots come from? White dots are caused by specks of dust that the ink prints over. When the dust speck falls off the ink goes with it, so a white dot is left where colored ink should be. Some black dots are already on the paper before I load it in to the printer. Still other black dots are very tiny ink splatters.
This weekend I went through my files and found some ‘almost totally perfect’ imperfect prints, so I’ve added them to my outlet shop. This is a great opportunity to decorate on a budget! Enjoy!