Color Inspiration: POPS Soda Ranch Route 66

What’s not to love about a place that categorizes their drinks by color?

In The Pink, Amazing Grapes, Red Ahead, Blue Heaven… these are just some of the over 500 flavors of soda at POPS Soda Ranch on historic Route #66 in Arcadia, Oklahoma.

But it isn’t just the 500 flavors and hundreds of colors that make it so much fun. It’s pretty hard to miss a 66 foot pop bottle that at night “transforms into a dazzling light show of Times Square-quality luminosity.  An infinite array of colors and patterns salute the world’s greatest variety of soda pop inside.”

If you’re road tripping this summer, stop by and see their funky converted gas station structure, campy interior design, and pure fizzy delights in every color of the rainbow. It’s an absolute “must see, must stop” on your way through Oklahoma.

This is the place to get your effervescent kicks on Route #66!